2020 Maritime Law Answer Book Now Available

The Maritime Law Answer Book 2020, co-authored by Mills Black LLP partner Allen Black and published by the Practising Law Institute, is now available.

The book’s direct style is written for those seeking clear answers to maritime law issues and is suitable for all those involved in the shipping of goods by sea; from maritime lawyers, to vessel owners and operators, to marine financing professionals.

In addition to clarifying the background of maritime law and the traditional issues that arise in maritime disputes such as choice of law provisions and limitation of liability, the Maritime Law Answer Book provides concise information concerning the vast array of U.S. regulatory issues, ranging from Jones Act coastwise trade regulations, to Maritime Security Program subsidies. The Answer Book also addresses questions on vessel financing, environmental protection regulations, and maritime criminal enforcement of environmental compliance requirements.

Each section in the Answer Book is tailored to the maritime law issues that arise in the various shipping communities and focuses on the issues and questions that members of those communities are likely to encounter.

While the Answer Book’s focus is on U.S. law and practice, the book includes references to U.K. law, which has a significant influence on many practices, leases, and financial transactions. 

You can purchase a copy of the Maritime Law Answer Book 2020 here.


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